Save the Dates for our 2018 Fall Missions Conference, October 21 and 28!
Our own Pastor Clent will launch the Conference on Sunday morning,
October 21. Drawing on his extensive experience in counseling, preaching,
evangelism, and pastoral support for missionaries on the field in Japan and
England, Clent has a unique “insider” perspective on missions to share with
us. Then on October 28, Rev. Shaun and Becky Hurrie will be with us. They
are joining the MTW (Mission to the World) team in Cape Town, South
Africa. Shaun will be teaching in the Christian Leadership Team program
for the Bible Institute of South Africa and will serve in a local church
plant. Becky will be ministering with women and children in the church
plant, as well as homeschooling and discipling their four children. In
addition, this year’s conference will feature Brandan Thomas of the
Winchester Rescue Mission, Steve Marut and our own Lydia Rogers sharing
about the work of Young Life during the Sunday School time. Pick up a copy
of the complete Conference Schedule on the Information Table. You won’t
want to miss any part of this great annual event!